Learning management system that helps student, parent, teacher and education institute to improve learning experience and monitor performance of education process outcomes.
practicing on chapters, lessons, and points.
Automatic correction for practices and tests.
Full tests on all the syllabuses.
Self learning Tutorials.
Student assessment to show the weakness points.
Huge library of questions in all subjects.
New questions can be add easily with their answers and recall in any test.
Automatic correction for tests and home works.
Following up student’s evaluation and figure out their weaknesses.
Creating different groups for your students.
Tutorial links and videos can be added easily.
Tests and home works can be prepared and published on certain date and time.
Parents can follow up with their children and their.
They can check their homework’s due date and grades.
Parents can follow up with their children and their.
Exams, homework and tests results will be sent immediately after correction.
Parents can contact with their children’s teacher easily.
Creating profiles for each students, teachers, and parents and link them together.
Creating each class in separated view.
Tracking the students and follow up with their grades.
Tracking their teachers and make sure they are on schedule or not.
Following up with parents and keeping them up to date with their children states.